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Pošaljite mejl Guglu: Apel za pomoć Srbiji, BiH, Hrvatskoj

Pošaljite Guglu mejl s molbom da na svoju početnu stranicu stavi apel za pomoć Srbiji, Bosni i Hrvatskoj.


mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

subject: Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia need help!

text: Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia really need your help. We are all struggling with disastrous floods that have hit our countries like NEVER BEFORE IN HISTORY. Thousands of people have lost their homes, belongings and everything else they worked for their entire lives. For the first time after the war, people of Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia are united in one goal – to survive. Please, BE A PART OF OUR SALVATION AND RAISE AWARENESS BY MAKING OUR CRY FOR HELP A FRONT PAGE ON GOOGLE FOR AT LEAST A DAY. I hope that you'll do it.

(Novosti online)